Elderflower Cordial
Delicious summer drink served with ice and lemon
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  1. 15 heads elderflower
  2. 1 kg sugar
  3. 2 lemons
  4. 40 g citric acid
  5. 750 ml boiling water
  1. Pick elderflower heads and remove any leaves
  2. Chop lemons into quarters
  3. Put sugar, lemons, and citric acid in large bowl/plastic container
  4. Heat water to boiling and pour over ingredients in bowl and stir until sugar has dissolved
  5. Add elderflower heads
  6. Leave in cool place for 2 days
  7. Stir 3 times a day
  8. Strain
  9. Dilute with water before drinking
  1. Will keep for up to one year in the refrigerator.
  2. Try using to flavour home made icecream
Green Nutrition http://www.greennutrition.co.uk/
Blinis with Smoked Salmon & Creme Fraiche
Great for a snack or larger Blinis for lunch
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Prep Time
1 hr
Cook Time
15 min
Prep Time
1 hr
Cook Time
15 min
  1. 175 g plain flour
  2. 50 g buckwheat flour
  3. 2 eggs separated
  4. 375 ml warm milk
  5. 10 g yeast
  6. 200 ml Creme Fraiche
  7. 200 g smoked salmon
  8. Caviar to decorate
  1. Put the buckwheat flour and plain flour together in a bowl
  2. Mix the yeast with the warmed milk, then separate the egg and add the yolk to the yeast mix
  3. Next whisk this mix into the dry ingredients to make a smooth batter
  4. Leave in a warm place until mixture starts to bubble
  5. Whisk the egg white to stiff peaks, then gently fold into the batter, keeping as much volume as possible
  6. Heat butter in a frying pan and drop in dessertspoons of the batter
  7. Cook until the surface starts to bubble, then flip over and cook the other side
  8. Serve with smoked salmon topped with creme fraiche and caviar
  1. Also good with cheese and chutney or nutella and banana!
Green Nutrition http://www.greennutrition.co.uk/
Whoopie Strawberry Pies
A chocolate treat
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Prep Time
30 min
Cook Time
15 min
Prep Time
30 min
Cook Time
15 min
  1. 25 g butter
  2. 200 g light brown sugar
  3. 1 large egg
  4. 350 g plain flour
  5. 50 g cocoa powder
  6. 1 ½ tsp bicarbonate soda
  7. ½ tsp salt
  8. 250 ml milk
  1. 150 g butter
  2. 250 g icing sugar
  3. crushed strawberries
  1. 150 g icing sugar
  2. strawberry juice to colour
  3. strawberries
  1. Cream butter and sugar together until pale and fluffy and add egg
  2. Add flour, cocoa, bicarb and salt
  3. Gradually add milk whilst mixing to make a smooth cake mix
  4. Drop spoonfuls of the mixture onto a line baking tray leaving space for spreading
  5. Bake in oven gas mark 4 (180C, fan 160C) for approx 15 mins until risen, slightly cracked and firm to touch
  6. For filling beat butter until creamy and gradually add icing sugar to make a smooth spreadable icing.
  7. Add a couple of crushed strawberries to colour and sandwich two pies together with the filling
  8. For topping mix icing sugar with strawberry juice to make smooth icing
  9. Sandwich pies together with filling and spread with topping
  10. Decorate with strawberries
  1. The Whoopie Pie originates in New England, America. Amish women would bake them for the farmers who on finding them in their lunch boxes would shout 'whoopie'!
Green Nutrition http://www.greennutrition.co.uk/
Gooseberry & Walnut Tarts
Crunchy pie
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Prep Time
30 min
Cook Time
30 min
Prep Time
30 min
Cook Time
30 min
  1. 175 g SR flour
  2. 100 g butter
  3. 50 g walnuts
  4. 50 g caster sugar
  5. cold water to mix
  6. 1 tblsp semolina
  1. 500 g gooseberries
  2. 20 g caster sugar
  1. Chop walnuts
  2. Rub butter into flour until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs and stir in chopped walnuts and caster sugar
  3. Add enough cold water to mix to a stiff dough
  4. Roll out half pastry and line greased tin and sprinkle with semolina
  5. Fill with gooseberries and sugar and roll out remaining pastry and place on top of pie
  6. Bake in oven gas 5 (190c, fan 170c) until brown
  1. Also good filled with apple or pear
  2. Serve with cream or ice cream
Green Nutrition http://www.greennutrition.co.uk/
Spinach Pasta
Wonderful home made pasta
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Prep Time
35 min
Cook Time
10 min
Prep Time
35 min
Cook Time
10 min
Basic Pasta
  1. 400g strong flour
  2. 4 large eggs
  3. 1 tblsp oil
Spinach Pasta
  1. Additional 25 g flour
  2. 100 g steamed chopped spinach
  1. Steam spinach, squeeze out excess liquid and chop finely
  2. Put flour into bowl
  3. Make a well in the centre and add eggs, spinach and oil and mix to a stiff dough
  4. Knead until smooth and elastic and wrap in cling film and leave in cool place for 1 hour
  5. Roll into thin sheets using pasta machine if available
  6. Cut into desired shape by hand or with pasta machine
  7. Dry for at least 30 minutes before cooking
  8. Bring pan of water to the boil and add ¼ tsp salt
  9. Add pasta to water and cook until tender
  1. Try adding finely chopped sun dried tomatoes to make a red pasta
  2. Serve with anything you like!
Green Nutrition http://www.greennutrition.co.uk/
Rosemary & Cream Sauce
Creamy sauce for pasta
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Prep Time
10 min
Cook Time
10 min
Prep Time
10 min
Cook Time
10 min
  1. 60 g butter
  2. 60 g plain flour
  3. 500 ml milk
  4. 200 ml cream
  5. 200 ml chicken stock
  6. 100 g cheddar cheese
  7. 50 g parmesan
  8. rosemary
  9. salt and pepper
  1. To make the topping melt butter in saucepan and stir in flour
  2. Cook stirring for about 1 min until butter has absorbed flour
  3. Gradually stir in milk a little at a time until sauce thickens
  4. Grate cheeses and add to sauce
  5. Season with chopped rosemary, salt and pepper
  1. We served this sauce with our home made pasta and smoked pigeon
  2. Try adding chopped ham instead of pigeon
Green Nutrition http://www.greennutrition.co.uk/